What is Human Powered Vehicle All About?
We are a student design team whose mission is to design, build, and competitively test a high-performing human powered vehicle (HPV). All design and manufacturing takes place here on Missouri S&T’s campus in the Student Design and Experiential Learning Center (SDELC). Once completed, we enter our bike into the American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (HPVC). This competition gives our team the opportunity to compete against universities from around the world.
Design, Engineer and Compete
Our HPV is designed by team members under the supervision of the Lead Engineer. Once the design is complete, the team comes together in the shop to fabricate and assemble the various components of the bike. The SDELC provides the team with all the tools necessary for the fabrication of our vehicle. When the HPV is completed, it is turned over to the riders. The team of riders train regularly over the course of the year in order to be in peak physical condition for competition. Our team competes in both the East and West Coast HPVC competitions as part of ASME’s E-Fest. This includes a written design report and presentation along with actual testing of the vehicle through sprint and endurance races. The speed challenge sprints are divided by gender which then compete together in the endurance race through an urban obstacle course.